Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3rd peroid is fun!!!!.....?!?!?!?!

So here is what i am done in 3rd period so far, in which everything is not that complex but it's a grade so whatever
What you doing Magazine

my future, oh god help me.


So i finally am done with the paycheck week so, that means when it comes to saturday it will be in my hands, and ready to be deposited in by sunday. I super stoked, like i could either get a new PC computer which i use at home, or i could wait and get a new mac laptop but the only problem is i want a desktop, so i don't abuse my laptop already, and if i am going to get a mac, i don't have enough yet and it's going to be another 2 months till i have enough, i love macs and they are simple to use but like really so expensive for me right now.
Plus once the new model comes out, i will feel really sad because the price of the newer model will be bigger, ahhh.

I think i will get a PC cause then if i get a mac and a newer model comes out then i will feel so stupid with my older model mac.


Let it be your will, even though it's not important that is for sure.
Anyways, in this week i will consider both sides of this hot debate in my head.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh why do you do this to me.

Blogger, you have done it again, you have once again taken something so easy into something so complicated and not fun anymore.
This is why i left you blogger. This is why tumblr, is my friend now.
Don't be mad, don't fret.
I will continue to visit, it may not be from will
Yet as long as we are together, enjoy the time
Enjoy the time that i am on here using you for my blogging needs.
For when the semester ends
I don't know if i am to come back to you
If you changed a little then maybe
Just maybe i will come back
But you have refused to change in the last 4 years i have known you.
Oh blogger, if only you changed,
Oh Tumblr, my friend see you soon again
Sorry for the change, something we all do.
We will always have the memories together.
Like the time we spread the word of our blog
The videos we showed, the music we played
The words we told people, that shall stay
Oh blogger, if only you could change
Then maybe, just maybe i will love to visit again

-your blogging friend
Juan "The Nightmare" Martinez

Monday, September 28, 2009

Waking up

So, I have a small problem and that is waking up from sleep and having the motivation to going to school.
Working at night and then going to school is annoying and very tiring. I been having the help of my friend aaron to wake me up and sadly it's very sad to not get up by myself. I need a ipod alarm clock or better yet a ipod to my alarm clock. but i got to get better at waking up by myself

Friday, September 25, 2009


Today has been like my every day week plan, this is how my days are on fridays
-7:00 am Wake up by alarm but snooze button is my friend

-7:26 am. Aaron comes and wake me up, and we walk to school after getting ready or taking a shower

-8a.m.-12 pm Waiting for lunch

-12-2: in art class having fun with doodles and painting

-2-3p.m.: in American Democracy learning about politics wooo!!!!

-3 p.m.-5 relax maybe do some homework before work, or eat and start walking early.

-5-11p.m. start closing down for work

-11:30 p.m. start skating home or walking or get a ride from my co worker.

-11:45 p.m. home and relax and check my facebook and email and anything else i use.

-12:00 a.m play some games if desired to, or work on some project i been putting aside for awhile

-1:00 a.m. usually watch rob dyrek's fantasy factory and then go to sleep

So i am looking to doing the rest of my plans tonight and then tomorrow is saturday and i might go to fry's electronics in the morning and get some firewire to usb adapter thing i am looking for and then just relax in Oxnard and Ventura the rest of the day. Fun stuff.
So Thank God for Weekends and Weekend plans and maybe even just a little bit of like just about everything.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 3

What's up world this is trifecta coming at you, with full good news.

The group of trifecta has gone shooting a while back and all of us shot down this computer monitor down a huge hill, we brought 22's, a old WWII bolt action rifle with a bayonet, a 12 gage shot gun, a regular pump action shotgun, and a 9mm pistol. Fun stuff.
A picture of the mayhem will be up later.
For your all enjoyment of the fun

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome to Trifecta

Day 2,
just adding a random post for the world to see what trifecta is all about.

Even if we were to be enslaved,

in the galaxy's cycle of rebirth,

The feelings that were left behind will open the door!

Even if the infinite Universe were to go against us,

Our burning blood will cut through fate!

We'll break through the heavens and dimensions!

We'll show you our path through force!

Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann!


Welcome to Trifecta